Choose the right offer for your business

All plans offer monthly subscriptions with no commitment. You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel at any time. Start for free. By choosing the annual subscription, you can save money. To learn more, please contact us.


The offer to get started with already productivity gains.

34 EUR
50% off for 1 month

17 EUR
/month /vehicle Excl. VAT
No commitment

Everything you need to get started

  • Import of data (.xls, .xlsx, .csv) Add customers and/or orders in bulk by importing XLS, XLSX or CSV files into AntsRoute.
  • Route optimisation for multiple drivers Optimise the routes of your field workers by taking into account their working hours, departure and arrival addresses.
  • Management of field staff schedules Access a daily and weekly display of your field workers schedules.
  • Geo-tracking of the completion Live track the progress of your field workers thanks to the geolocation system available on the mobile application.
  • Android and iOS mobile application
  • Synchronisation of calendars Synchronise your AntsRoute planning with a Google Calendar, Outlook or iOS calendar.
  • Export of PDF routes
  • Customer database
  • History of routes
  • Help centre and online chat


The must-have package for digitising your business.

54 EUR
50% off for 1 month

27 EUR
/month /vehicle Excl. VAT
No commitment

The features of Lite, plus

  • Smart work order planning Plan work orders or deliveries manually on incoming or outgoing calls, taking into account tasks already scheduled, time and business constraints.
  • Recurring work orders
  • Optimisation taking into account vehicle capacities and staff skills
  • Geographical sectorisation and prioritisation
  • Statistics about routes
  • Proof of delivery on the mobile application Capture proof of visit via the mobile application: comments, photos, barcode scan and customer signature.
  • Customised service reports or delivery notes
  • Customer notifications (e-mail/SMS) Automate the sending of SMS or e-mail notifications at each stage of the service or delivery process.
  • Item or package database Add items proposed by your company and let your drivers validate the delivery with indications on the status.
  • Management of user roles Customise the role of each user in your account by determining which functions they have access to.
  • API Rest and webhooks
  • E-commerce plugins and ERP Integrate AntsRoute with the tools you already use: WooCommerce, PrestaShop, Odoo, Zapier, Daxium, etc.

Most popular


The complete offer to boost customer relations.

74 EUR
50% off for 1 month

37 EUR
/month /vehicle Excl. VAT
No commitment

The features of Essential, plus

  • 24/7 online appointment booking site Enable your customers to book appointments 24/7 from a white-label online booking site.
  • Remote work orders Plan remote work orders, i.e. without visiting the customer’s home.
  • Temporary address management Change a regular customer’s address temporarily for a single work order.
  • Smart planning of appointments over a period of time Smartly plan work orders over a period of time. The orders are assigned to field workers depending on their due date and time and business constraints.
  • Optimisation of pick-up and delivery route Optimise routes with several returns to the warehouse to reload vehicles or with load/delivery or pick-up/unload operations at different addresses.
  • Management of work order status
  • Link enabling customers to plan a work order
  • Link enabling customers to confirm or reschedule their appointment
  • Link for driver geotracking Let your customers view on a map the area where your driver is located and indicate the number of customers remaining before them.
  • Link to rate the quality of services Automate the sending of a notification to your customer 30 minutes after the stop completion, with a link to rate the quality of service.
  • Planning orders from the mobile application Enable your field staff to plan appointments directly from the mobile application.
  • Rule for calculating the price of work orders Define the price of your work orders or deliveries according to a base price, conditions linked to custom fields or geographical distance.


The offer to integrate AntsRoute into your corporate system.

The features of Pro, plus

  • White-label software
  • Customised indicators
  • Customised integrations
  • Priority support
  • Loading dock management Load your vehicles smartly with the AntsRoute Scan mobile application.

The services included in our offers

The Lite, Essential, Pro and Enterprise plans include all the services below.


Your database and associated processing are securely hosted.


One single interface to organise your routes, support your drivers and improve your customer relations.


Our platform is available in English, French, Spanish and German and will soon be available in Italian.


Our support team is available to help you (live chat, phone or e-mail).





Planning of work orders

Import of fixed-date work orders Add fixed-date orders in bulk by importing XLS, XLSX or CSV files.

Import of existing routes Add existing routes by importing XLS, XLSX or CSV files.

Planning of work orders one-by-one Plan appointments manually on incoming or outgoing calls, taking into account tasks already scheduled and time and business constraints.

Management of recurring tasks Plan appointments with daily, weekly or annual recurrences.

Management of remote work orders Plan remote work orders, i.e. without visiting the customer’s home.

Management of temporary addresses Change a regular customer’s address temporarily for a single work order.

Planning of work orders with a due date Smartly plan appointments over a period of time. The tasks are assigned to field workers depending on their due date and time and job constraints.

24/7 online appointment booking site Enable your customers to book appointments 24/7 from a white-label online booking site.

Interface designed for principals Provide your shop employees with dedicated transport planning interface.

Route optimisation

Route optimisation for multiple drivers Optimise the routes of your field workers, taking into account the working hours and addresses of departure and arrival.

Geographical sectorisation Assign your drivers to different working or delivery areas. You can define different sectorisation plans for each day of the week.

Optimisation of pick-up and delivery routes Optimise routes with several returns to the warehouse to reload vehicles or with load/delivery or pick-up/unload operations at different addresses.

Adjustment of optimised routes If necessary, you can edit optimised routes using drags and drops. Assign tasks to another worker or partially re-optimise your routes.

Display of the routes on a map Display your routes on a map with the order in which they are completed. Assign a colour to each of your field workers, so you can easily monitor their routes.

Daily route planning display Display the daily schedule of your drivers. For each task, you can view the start and end times, scheduled, confirmed and pending tasks, absences and breaks.

Weekly route planning display Display the weekly schedule of your drivers. For each task, you can see the start and end times, planned, confirmed and pending tasks, absences and breaks.

Export of routes in PDF format If you want to print out the routes for your drivers, you can export the optimised routes in PDF format.

Export of route in XLS format If you want to print out the routes for your drivers, you can export the optimised routes in XLS format.

Synchronisation of calendars Synchronise the AntsRoute schedules of your drivers with a Google Calendar, Outlook or iOS calendar.

Management of task status You can determine the status of your appointments or deliveries: planned, confirmed or pending.


Taking road traffic into account Optimise your routes by taking into account actual journey times.

Opening hours and customer availability If your customer is a company, you can determine its opening hours. This information is taken into account when optimising the routes.

Working hours and breaks of drivers Set the working hours and lunch breaks of your drivers for each day of the week.

Departure and arrival addresses of drivers Determine the departure and arrival addresses of your drivers for each day of the week (warehouse, home or specific address).

Absence of drivers Add the absences of your drivers and determine the reason (holiday, training, sick leave, etc.).

Skills and authorisations of drivers Enter the skills and authorisations for each of your workers. Your field staff will be assigned to carry out the work according to their skills.

Duration of each task Determine the duration in minutes of each task.

Loading capacity of vehicles Determine the load capacity of each of your vehicles. You can create as many capacities as you need. For example, weight, units, volume, pallets, etc. The routes are optimised taking loading capacities into account.

Adding attachments When you add a customer or plan a work order, you can add attachments, which are then visible on the mobile application.

Adding custom fields When you add a customer or plan a work order, you can add custom fields (text, number, date, list, check box, photo) which are displayed on the mobile application, or fields which are filled in by your field workers.

Management of an item or package database Add the items offered by your company and let your drivers to validate their delivery with indications about the state of the goods (delivered in conformity, delivered with anomalies, not delivered).

Rule for calculating the price of work orders Define the price of your work orders or deliveries according to a base price, conditions linked to custom fields or geographical distance.

Tracking the completion of routes

Geolocation of drivers Geolocate your field workers using the mobile application

Status of work orders View the completed, ongoing and cancelled work orders live.

Calculation of delay or ahead time View the delay or ahead time in minutes for each task. The delay time can be determined based on the time slot or the planned arrival time.

Calculation of actual task duration Thanks to double validation on the mobile application, you can know the actual duration of a task.

Planning last-minute work orders Smartly assign last-minute work orders or deliveries, taking into account the location of your field workers and any other constraints. The routes are updated on the mobile application and the worker receives a push notification.

Proofs of visit View the proofs of visit captured by your workers in the field (photos, comments, barcode scan and customer signature).

Service reports or delivery notes Following the validation of a task, generate customised service reports.

Android & iOS mobile application

List of work orders to complete Enable your field staff to view the list of stops to be carried out on the mobile application.

Waze or Google Maps navigation Enable your field workers to trigger Waze or Google Maps navigation to get to the next stop.

Validation of tasks Enable your field workers to validate the completion of each task from the mobile application.

Planning of the upcoming days Let your field workers view their schedules for the upcoming days from the mobile application.

Transmission of proofs of visit Enable your field staff to send proofs of visit (photos, comments, barcode scan and customer signature) from the mobile application.

Planning work orders from the mobile application Enable your field staff to plan work orders directly from the mobile application.

Printing labels with barcodes Connect the mobile application to a ZEBRA printer to print labels.

Loading dock management application Use the AntsRoute Scan mobile application to determine in which vehicle and in which order to load parcels.

Analysis of routes

History of work orders Access the history of work orders for a given period. You can display all the proofs of visit and filter data.

History of routes Compare completed routes with planned routes.

Statistics Access many statistics about your business: average distance per route, average CO2 emissions per route, total cost of routes, average cost per task, average quantity of merchandise delivered per task, cancellation rate, on-time service rate, average rating, evolution of the average rating, etc.

Configuration of indicators Add specific indicators for your business.

SMS & e-mail notifications

Triggered from the web interface Trigger the sending of a notification by e-mail or SMS from the AntsRoute interface with all the information about the planned appointment (ETA, duration, etc.). You can customise the content of your message and the display of the e-mail (colour, logo, photos, etc.).

Triggered from the mobile application Enable your field workers to trigger the sending of an e-mail or SMS notification from the mobile application to customers who are visited during their routes. You can customise the content of your message (waiting time, duration, etc.) and the display of the e-mail (colour, logo, photos, etc.).

Automatic when starting the route Automate the sending of an e-mail or SMS notification to customers when the driver starts his route. Customers who are due to be visited during this route receive all the information they need to plan around the arrival (time slot, estimated time of arrival, duration, etc.). You can configure how the emails are displayed.

Automatic when the driver is on the way When the driver validates a task from the mobile application, the next customer to be visited receives automated notification by e-mail or text message. In particular, you can tell the customer how long they will have to wait before the driver arrives. The e-mail display can be customised.

Automatic after the visit of the driver Automate the sending of a notification 30 minutes after a task has been validated from the mobile application.

Automatic when a stop is cancelled Automate the sending of a notification when the driver cancels a task from the mobile application.

Link to download the work report Add a link to your notifications enabling the customer to download the service report or delivery note. You can choose what information to include in this document (driver name, proof of visit, date and time of completion, etc.) and customise the display (logo, photos, font, etc.).

Link for geotracking the driver Add a link to your notifications, enabling customers who are about to be visited to view the area where the driver is located on a map. Customers can also find out how many customers remain to be visited before them.

Link to plan a work order In the notifications sent from the web interface, add a link allowing the customer to plan a work order.

Link to reschedule appointment In the notifications sent from the web interface, add a link allowing the customer to confirm or reschedule a planned appointment. They can choose a date and time slot for the visit based on your availability.

Link to rate the quality of services Add a link to your notifications enabling customers to rate the quality of services. Your customers can add a 5-star rating and a comment.


Terminology Choose the terms used on the AntsRoute interface that best suit your business. We offer appropriate terminology for these four sectors: delivery, pick-up, field service and home care.

Unlimited users You can add as many users (administrator, basket manager, analyst, site manager) as you need to your AntsRoute account.

In-depth management of user roles You can 100% customise the role of each user in your AntsRoute account by determining which functions they have access to.


Help Center

Support (online chat, e-mail, phone)


Secure and responsive

24/7 supervision

Daily back-up

Compliant with Healthcare Data Hosting

Availability over 99%


API Rest


SMS pack

5000 SMS (valid over a rolling 12-month period)

€300 Excl. VAT €300 Excl. VAT €300 Excl. VAT €300 Excl. VAT

Our team provides you with support

The customer support teams are available to answer all your questions and help you get the most from AntsRoute software.


Our experts offer training courses to help you learn how to use AntsRoute to its full potential.

Online chat

Use our online chat, available to all users from Monday to Friday, during office hours.

Help Center

Our online documentation enables you to get quick answers to your questions about our features and integrations.

Save time and grow your business

Sign up for a free 7-day trial. Create your 100% online AntsRoute account in just 5 minutes. No credit card required. No commitment.