What's new for AntsRoute in April 2024: indexing of custom fields, defining planning days, interface in Italian, etc.
AntsRoute offers many new features for route optimisation: remote work orders, table of delivered items, customer absences, etc.
The AntsRoute team is releasing a new version of its system of links sent to end customers through notifications.
The AntsRoute booking site, which enables end customers to book a home service or delivery 24/7, has just been updated.
AntsRoute integrates with Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery to enable Shopify online merchants to optimise their local last-mile deliveries.
AntsRoute now allows you to create a database of items delivered by your drivers or parts used by your technicians.
The loadings or unloadings made at the same address are now grouped together in a single step on the mobile application.
You can now access statistics about the ratings and reviews sent by your customers following your delivery or service.
AntsRoute lets you validate the start of each work order on the mobile application, and thus know the actual duration of the tasks.

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