Blog > Product updates > March 2025: What’s new in AntsRoute?
Blog > Product updates > March 2025: What’s new in AntsRoute?
Published on 12 March 2025 • Reading time: 8 min read
At AntsRoute, our mission is to offer you an ever more effective tool to simplify the management of your routes. That’s why we’re delighted to present the latest updates to our software!
Table of contents:
You can now identify at a glance the departure and arrival locations of each agent directly from the ‘Agenda’ tab.
As a reminder, AntsRoute allows you to precisely define the departure and arrival points of your agents’ routes according to your needs:
From now on, the icon displayed in the blue circle at the start and end of each route will immediately show you where your agents are departing from and arriving at. A quick glance is all it takes to check and adjust your routes if necessary.
For more details, read our support article.
Displaying the drivers’ departure and arrival locations in the schedule.
With this new option, users of the AntsRoute mobile application can now hide operations or deliveries that have already been completed, so they can concentrate solely on the next steps. This new feature makes it easier for your drivers and technicians to understand what’s happening next!
How does it work?
For a clearer view of your route, the completed tasks are grouped together in a single section entitled ‘Deliveries completed’. Simply click on the ↕️ icon at the top right of the list of jobs to:
✅ Hide steps already completed and display only those in progress and to come.
✅ Re-display all tasks if required.
Benefits for your drivers:
In short, a feature designed to simplify the day-to-day work of your teams in the field!
For more details, read our support article.
Hide the tasks completed on the AntsRoute mobile application.
Even greater flexibility for your drivers and technicians in the field! Thanks to the new version of the AntsRoute mobile application, each driver can now customise the information displayed in the list of tasks to be carried out.
Which fields can be displayed?
Drivers can select and organise the display of the following fields:
✅ Always visible:
✅ Customisable:
Note: The boolean fields with the value ‘No’ will not be displayed.
How can I change the way fields are displayed?
Drivers can adapt their view in just a few clicks:
Why this improvement?
✅ Tailor-made display: Each driver can see only the information that is relevant to them.
✅ Quicker access to essential data.
For more details, read our support article.
The display of fields in the list of tasks on the AntsRoute mobile application.
Until now, AntsRoute allowed you to reposition planned tasks to a fixed position within the same route. This feature helped you to adapt the order of work orders according to your needs, in order to optimise your logistics.
Now you have even more control:
✅ You can also position unassigned tasks at a precise position in a route!
✅ You can also position a task at a fixed place in another driver’s route, and not just in the route in which this task was initially assigned.
Note: This function is also available for ongoing routes in the ‘Monitor’ module.
How do I position or reposition a task?
For more details, read our support article.
Positioning an unassigned task at a fixed position in a route.
Greater flexibility in managing your routes! Our route optimisation tool has been enhanced with a new feature that allows you to switch routes not only between drivers, but also on different dates.
What’s new?
Until now, you could only switch the routes of two agents on the same date. Now, you can switch routes even if they are scheduled on different days. For example, you can switch the route of driver A scheduled for 10 March with the one of driver B scheduled for 20 March.
How does it work?
You can switch routes in just a few clicks:
Result: the switch is instantly taken into account and updated in the schedules of the drivers concerned!
For more details, read our support article.
Switch routes on different dates on AntsRoute.
If you use the function for creating geographical zones with constraints, here’s an improvement that will make your daily work easier: the ability to duplicate an existing zone while keeping its constraints.
Note: This option is available from the PRO offer.
Why this new feature?
As a reminder, a geographical zone allows you to apply specific time slots and skills to operations in the zone over a defined period.
How do I duplicate a geographical zone?
For more details, read our support article.
Duplicate a geographical zone with constraints on AntsRoute.
What is the ‘Basket of work orders’?
If you’re not already using it, this feature lets you add all your work orders with a due date to AntsRoute and spread them intelligently over a defined period. AntsRoute automatically optimises their assignment, taking into account your time and business constraints, saving you precious time on a daily basis.
Note: The option is available from the PRO offer.
What’s new?
Here’s something new for users of the basket of work orders! You can now define the time slot for orders that are put back into the basket.
From now on, when a task is put back into the basket, you can customise its time slot by choosing one of the following three options:
☝️ Note: If you use the pick-up and delivery function, only the parent operation will be updated, i.e. pick-up and delivery. The time slots for secondary operations, i.e. loading and unloading, will remain unchanged.
How do I set this option?
For more details, read our support article.
Customise the time slot for work orders added to the basket on AntsRoute.
As a reminder, AntsRoute allows you to view a number of key indicators for optimum management of your routes. These include:
✅ Scheduled route start and end times
✅ Total distance
✅ Number of planned operations
✅ Driving time and working time
✅ Margin, turnover and cost
You can now hide these indicators in the ‘Map’ tab, as well as in the details of a route, for a more streamlined view tailored to your needs.
How do I hide route indicators?
In the ‘Map’ tab:
In the details of a route:
Note: The indicators will also be hidden in the ‘Route report’ tab of the analysis module.
Hide route indicators on AntsRoute.
When scheduling a work order from the mobile application, the agent can choose the location of the appointment:
If you use the route naming function, a new enhancement now allows you to view these names directly in the search for availability when scheduling a work order.
Do you have any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact our support team by filling in our contact form. We would be delighted to help you!
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